Our group is composed of the following entities-

Rathi Rubber India Private Limited Rathi Rubber India Private Limited: From our humble beginnings with a single pyrolysis reactor, we have evolved into one of India’s largest tire batch pyrolysis facilities. Our advanced technology and processes enable us to transform waste tires into valuable resources, contributing to a more sustainable future.

To know more pls visit our website – http://rathirubber.com

Rathi Industrial Enterprises: As pioneers in the industry, we have pioneered the conversion of worthless pyrolysis char into Recovered Carbon Black (rCB). By offering real sustainable and circular alternatives to industries that traditionally use virgin carbon black, we are actively reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact.

To know more pls visit our website – http://capital-carbon.com

Rathi Green Energy Private Limited: Innovation is at the core of our operations. We have developed cutting-edge, indigenous technology for Continuous Tyre Pyrolysis, and our ongoing expansion efforts are focused on further revolutionizing the sector. Through sustainable energy solutions, we are committed to creating a greener, cleaner tomorrow.

To know more pls visit our website – http://rathigreenenergy.com

Jai Ambe Rubber Products Private Limited: Jai Ambe Rubber Products Private Limited is proud to operate one of the largest tyre shredding facilities globally. Our expertise lies in producing clean shredded tyre wires, with a purity of 98% and above, making us the largest producer of this high-quality material in India.